What will happen, if we all believe in Existence as our God?

What will happen, if we all believe in Existence as our God?What will happen, if we all believe in Existence as our God?
admin Staff answered 6 months ago

The world changes once you synchronize with the Existence as the ultimate Godliness, rather than individual Gods.

Every corner of the universe, every event, and every experience in life becomes His manifestation, leaving you without complaints, and if at all, gratefulness ( once you develop the wisdom to grasp His grace ).

All religions, all political views, all vrttis and vasanas of the self as well as others, become acceptable, leaving you with only peace.

Meditation is the only way to synchronize with this formless consciousness.

But meditation is not just a physical process that we do and expect results from it.

Besides being a physical act, it also requires enthusiasm for deep exploration, boldness to face the facts that arise from within, wisdom to choose the right path, and courage to implement them in daily life.

The path is not easy and is unpopular, but there is a reason for its unpopularity.

Choosing the meditation path requires both boldness and wisdom, a rare and precious quality in today’s world.

That’s why this path is not so popular, while millions keep flocking to temples and churches like herds of sheep.

  • OM Ishaa Vaasyam Idam Sarvam
  • Yat Kincha Jagatyaam Jagat Tena
  • Tyaktena Bhunjeethaa
  • Maa Grudhah Kasya-svit Dhanam

Isavashya Upanishad says – that God envelops, permeates, and penetrates everything mobile and immobile in this universe.


Considering Existence as a Godliness is much easier than picking a particular God ( taught and told by Sansar ) and believing in Him for the rest of our lives, even though we never have His proof. He doesn’t do anything directly for us that we have any proof of.

Existence is always neutral ( not a male or a female ), and that’s why it is fair to all.

It is equally distributed for all forms – live or not.

Existence has an undeniable presence and is doing a lot for our birth ( out of nowhere), sustenance ( food, water, air, soil, and space ), and death ( by taking us back).

Existence is always with us and never leaves us, and we don’t have to go to the temples to remind us of its presence.

It has an omnipresence that never turns into absence, ever, no matter how many people or universes get born and die.

Worshipping the Existence does not cost a penny, nor does it cost any mental activity, because it is obvious that it has its own trajectory ( which produced us ).

Existence does not listen to us, as it has no ears , so prayers also are futile with Existence.

All we have to do is, realize that the mind cannot take us to it.

So, be mindless and It is right there.

Existence teaches us fairness to all because it IS fair to all, by giving existence to all.

Existence makes us accept all because it ACCEPTS all.

Existence provides an invaluable backdrop of immortality where everything else is mortal – all forms are mortal.

What more can you expect from God?