What would or what should a state of Shunyata feel like? What is its parameter? Where do you find its live example?

What would or what should a state of Shunyata feel like? What is its parameter? Where do you find its live example?What would or what should a state of Shunyata feel like? What is its parameter? Where do you find its live example?
admin Staff answered 3 months ago

A world full of Shunyata surrounds us.

Trees and plants are of course in Shunya state, but so are all the animals. ( including so-called cruel animals like lions and tigers ).

Only by meditating deeply can one develop an eye to realize this innocence emanating from them.

Shunyata is a state in which the mind has become Shunya ( free from desires ).

If you silently study the eyes of a child, you will realize that.

The innocence you will find in their eyes is a reflection of their mind, which has not been corrupted by desires yet.

And that innocence is the final destination of our spiritual path.

We all were born in this state of innocence into this world, and it is still deeply buried within us.

When one realizes the flimsiness of the desires for Sansaric life and its Sansaric goals through deep and contemplative meditation, this innocent state starts surfacing slowly from within.

This state is our true nature, but it does not become our nature until the last trace of our desire has burnt out.