What’s the difference between action, inaction and unaction?

What’s the difference between action, inaction and unaction?Author "admin"What’s the difference between action, inaction and unaction?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

ACTION is where there is an actor. He acts and enjoys the fruits of his actions. He is a doer.

INACTIO is where a person does not act, but it is HIS decision not to act. So, in a way, he is still a doer, doer of NON DOING. Not physical, but mental activity took place.
UNACTION is where an action is done, but the actor is absent. He has devoted everything to higher consciousness. He is in a state where he believes that his existence itself is due to consciousness.

He has submitted himself to God.

Now, only God exists, and he does not.

He thanks God for giving him energy so that he can act, and when work is finished, whatever reward he gets, he offers in the feet of God ( Godliness, Consciousness ).
For example, Arjun surrenders to Krishna in Mahabhjarat, and Arjun is not Arjun anymore.


He IS Krishna, the consciousness ( and so are we ).


Wave is not wave; it is the ocean, just in a different form.


However, he REALIZED that using the Pragnyachakshu given to him by Krishna at that moment, and we haven’t realized it yet.


And that’s why we are differentiating between Arjun and Krishna.


Kartabhav will disappear only when your Ego (self-identification) disappears.


As soon as self-identification disappears, new identification appears right that moment, without delay, instantaneously.


It’s an inner realization.


Once you stop being Arjun ( filled with confusing ideas and tormenting mind – like all of us ), you instantaneously become Krishna ( the consciousness ), and you have the full force of Godly consciousness with built-in righteousness.


Then, you cannot do wrong.


You always do right because you are not doing it for yourself.


Karta wants karma phal.


No karta, no expectation of karma phal either.


How can we be Krishna and Arjun at the same time?


But we are stubborn.


We want Krishna and still want to fight the war with Sansar alone.


So, Krishna says, so be it.


Stay Arjun and suffer. Come back when you are ready for total surrender.


Either you come through.


Ih Bhakti Marg and start it with total surrender first, or the path of Dhyan, find my immense svaroop within and then surrender.


Which path you take is based on your inner makeup.


And mind well, Krishna Arjun are just symbolic words.

Whether Krishna talks to you, or Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha or Mahavir, they all are talking about the same consciousness, because consciousness is formless.


There is no duality there, either.


(And yet, the foolish world is still fighting in duality.)