What’s the difference between BEING IN LOVE and BEING LOVE?

What’s the difference between BEING IN LOVE and BEING LOVE?Author "admin"What’s the difference between BEING IN LOVE and BEING LOVE?
admin Staff answered 6 months ago

Being in love is selfishness and does not rise above the Sansar.

Being love is selflessness.

When you transcend the mind, you are renouncing your old self and now acquiring new self.

A Boond becomes the sagar.

A drop becomes the ocean.

The emptiness within is not empty.

It is full of divine love, but only for the ones who are ready for sacrificing their Ego, and the path after that is loveful awareness.
That is the purpose of life.

Being in love is separatd ( Duality )

And being love is one, there is no separation it’s all one and unconditional. ( Advait ).

Being in love is poverty consciousness.

Being love is opulence consciousness.

Being in love is clutching onto the mortal world, and being love is touching the feet of immortality.