What’s the difference between “life” and “sansar”?

What’s the difference between “life” and “sansar”?What’s the difference between “life” and “sansar”?
admin Staff answered 7 months ago

Life is internal, and Sansar is external ( but there is more to it than that, which we will deal with later ).

Whatever we think we are, we are not.

We are made of five sheaths ( like an onion ).

1. Food sheath ( Annamaya Kosha ). This sheath relies on Sansar for survival ( and, when buried, becomes food for others—bacteria, fungi, etc.). So, it is Sansar in a way that takes various forms. It is the smallest sheath we have.

2. ⁠Energy sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha )—our energy—which is more significant than 1. It spills outside the physical body( and that’s how we can get our EKG done ). Energy is derived from food, water, and air. So, again, it is also a Sansar in a way. It takes from Sansar and gives back to it—water, air, stool, etc. And it is more pervasive than 1.

3. ⁠Mind sheath ( Manomay Kosha )—our thoughts—are all related to Sansa. Whatever we think of is about Sansar. Without Sansar, we cannot even think. Sansar is good for the mind, and it is more pervasive than 2.

4. ⁠Intellect sheath—Vigyanmay Kosha —wisdom sheath guides us to live wisely. It is above the mind, but its application is still in Sansar ( how to live life wisely in Sansar ). And it is more pervasive than even 3.( wisdom is higher ).

5. ⁠Bliss sheath – Anandmay Kosha. This is our true self; at that level, we are not dependent on Sansar. This is where true, immortal, infinite life is. At the time of death, all sheaths perish except the bliss sheath, but we don’t know anything about it.

We can grasp all sheaths intellectually, with our minds, but not the bliss sheath, which is beyond our minds, and comes only as an experience.

True life resides in the bliss sheath, free from Sansar, which is mortal; everything that gets born dies.

We are alive right now because of that sheath.

A life that we see everywhere, in plants, animals, and humans, is its indirect expression.

Meditation is directly perceiving this sheath without interference from the other sheaths.

Death is only to the other four sheaths, which seem alive temporarily because of the life force deep within them.

But, life itself is immortal ( because it is spirit ).

Rest is mortal ( because, as Ram said, the body, energy, thoughts, and wisdom are all matter in one way or another, and they all die ).

So, sheaths 1-4 are a dream because they are here now and won’t be tomorrow ( just like a dream ); they belong to Sansar, not to us.

They came from outside and made their home within us.

And that’s why we die feeling empty-handed; we can never own them.

Not knowing this leads to many unnecessary suffering, racing in life, and emotional burdens.


And knowing this brings enlightenment.