Where is the Light?

Where is the Light?Where is the Light?
admin Staff answered 4 months ago

Where is the light?

At the time of Diwali, everyone talks about the light, but where is the light?

What we call “light” is not the light.

The light is hidden in darkness, the darkness in our within.

It is a unique light, and it is the light of awareness.

You are aware, but you ( as you know yourself to be ) are not the awareness.

The awareness is a light that shines everything and everyone, giving them a false belief ( false appearance ) that they are aware.

But that is its compassion.

Without awareness we are nothing.

Awareness can be aware of us, aware of our confusions and our ignorances, our Ego, but we cannot be aware of the awareness ( until we transcend ourselves ).

Once that happens, everything and everyone is awareness, and one uniform exists.

The light can be shut off, but the light of awareness cannot; it is perpetual.

And that’s the only light that is worth “lighting” up.

The Sansar ( including moving and unmoving, aware or non-aware ) is pervaded, enveloped and penetrated by the awareness.
What is your objective in life?

Keep playing the game of cat and mouse ( Sansar ), or merge into the vast existence, the ultimate truth of life?

Why don’t we see this light of awareness ( if it is everywhere )?

The darkness that we encounter in meditation is the holy grail, as it harbors the seed of the light within, the light of awareness.

That’s how the darkness is the light ( of awareness ).

But also, the light is the darkness.


In daylight, the Sun comes out and exposes the duality of life.

This duality was hidden in the darkness of the night as a non-dual appearance, but as soon as the light falls on the world of objects ( and people, situations, etc ), duality gets exposed, and we get attached to it.

But the duality is not the truth.

Since we never venture to explore the darkness within, our only world is the world of light ( sunlight – duality ), and we never get to connect with the light of the truth.

So, the light ( daylight ) is filled with the darkness of ignorance ( our belief in something that is not real ).

So, darkness is the light ( of wisdom ), and light is the darkness ( of ignorance ).