Why is it so difficult to eliminate ( rise above ) emotions, vrttis, vasanas?

Why is it so difficult to eliminate ( rise above ) emotions, vrttis, vasanas?Why is it so difficult to eliminate ( rise above ) emotions, vrttis, vasanas?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Detaching from the body is relatively easy, but detaching from the mind is not.

External forces have created the body and will eventually merge back to them.

Identification with the body is necessary for Sansaric life; otherwise, Sansar cannot operate.

So, it is our Sansaric obligation to identify ourselves as the body.


We created anger, we created attachment, we created lust, we created hate, and we created greed, all in ignorance.

Cure for ignorance is only one – the knowledge ( who you really are ).

But the mind is another story.

We are the creators of our minds.

We have created every thought, emotion, belief, idea, and conviction within our minds over decades after decades.

( and that’s why we can’t let them go).

That’s why breaking away from the mind is not easy.

We are solidly bonded with our minds.

When the mind is angry, we say I’m angry.

When my mind is upset, we say, I’m upset.

So, the mind’s suffering becomes our suffering, and we suffer.

Spirituality says you ( the soul ) and your mind are separate.

Meditation is training to become a witness ( of the mind and its emotions ) and dissociate from it slowly.

That way, we can go through the emotions only as a witness.

And in reality, when you become the witness, emotions lose their power and wither out.

And only the witness remains – the soul, the consciousness in its peace and tranquility.

All our emotions are like our babies.

We gave birth to them ( out of ignorance, of course, ignorance of believing ourselves as the body, not the soul ).

And who would not want to protect their babies?

We defend our beliefs at any cost.

We don’t want to give them up.

So, detachment and separation are necessary, and witnessing is the key.