Why is it so difficult to transcend the Ego?

Why is it so difficult to transcend the Ego?Why is it so difficult to transcend the Ego?
admin Staff answered 2 months ago

It is tough to transcend the ego because it is not there.

How can you transcend something that is not there?

The ego is only our belief, not a reality. ( Just like we believe in a dream when we see it, even though it is not real.)

Also –

Realize something—The ego requires a connection with something or someone to exist.

These objects, people, and situations help define the ego every moment, from morning until night ( my house, car, family, religion, profession, etc.), and even in dreams.

All these are fuel for our ego, just like an oil lamp that is constantly burning and fed by oil.

So, the lamp that appears as a reality, is only a PROCESS, and so is the Ego.

You never shut off the oil lamp in the morning that you lighted up the night before; it’s not the same flame anymore.

You cannot put your foot in any river twice, as by the second time, thousands of gallons of water have already passed on; it’s not the same river anymore.

When running fast, a fan has multiple blades that appear as a solid disc.

In the same way, even though it changes constantly, the ego appears to be a solid reality to us.

This is the Maya’s illusion.

For example –

When you are in your home, you have no shadow.

You will have a shadow when you step out of the house and go under the sun.

When you come back home, you will lose the shadow.

The ego is our shadow appearing to us due to our contact with other objects, people, and situations, and we believe this shadow to be us.

This is our illusion/ignorance.