A transformative, revolutionary way to meditate.

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A transformative, revolutionary way to meditate.

A transformative, revolutionary way to meditate.


For a moment, change the gears and meditate AS consciousness ( instead of your Sansaric identifications ).

Fixate on the fact that you are consciousness and are meditating on your body, which is a remote entity.

After a while, come within and start meditating on your thoughts, again, just as remote as the body itself.

As consciousness, you are formless, and as you come in contact with the world, you modify yourself (because you can. How ? Why ? It’s not important at this point ).

AS the consciousness, you were and still are innocent, simple, and pure. ( That is your BEING ).

Your interactions with the world generated thoughts. ( and ideas, beliefs, memories, imaginations, etc ).

( You took the route of BECOMING ).

Thoughts can be good, bad, ugly, whatever.

And if you keep identifying with them, you also become, good, bad, ugly, whatever.

But, while living like that ( the life of BECOMING ), your true nature ( BEING ) never changed, and you don’t know that.


Let’s take an example of water.

AS water, water is pure.

But the same water can become rain, flood, icicles, icebergs, or even an ocean, based on external situations.

Despite all those changes seemingly happening to the water, water itself never loses its purity.

Take a glass of water from the rain, flood, iceberg, or even ocean, you can’t tell the difference; basic H2O molecule will remain unchanged.

Water, in its BEING state, is pure, but in its BECOMING state, it is full of motions, actions, frictions, etc.

In the same way, if you remain attached to your old identifications ( thoughts, BECOMINGS ) ( which is our ignorance ), you may consider yourself good, bad, ugly, impure, etc, and living a friction full life.

But, realize that, despite those superficial impurities, deep inside you are still pure, all of us are.

Meditate as consciousness, and REALIZE your pure BEING.

This is the crux of spirituality.

Find your effortless BEING, and walk away from your efforts full BECOMINGS.

Every BECOMING carries a seed ( subtle or obvious ) of desire.

One who starts seeing something wrong with this unending cycle of desire, efforts, success-failures, and frustrations, his sanyas has begun.

Jul 13,2024

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