Awareness is like dollar bills.

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Awareness is like dollar bills.

Awareness is like dollar bills.

Awareness is unique in the whole universe ( or universes ).

It can be aware of everything, but nothing can be aware of it.

Just the way, if dollars are taken out of circulation, the whole economy will become stagnant; if awareness chooses to withdraw itself from everywhere, entire life will become meaningless.

Awareness gives meaning to Sansar, from an earthworm to a rocket scientist.

Without awareness, they won’t be able to do their assigned duties ( dharma ). Whether an earthworm toiling the soil or a scientist discovering the universe’s secrets, both use the same awareness.

Learn how to separate the awareness from whatever it is aware of, and you are inching closer to the samadhi state.

At the core of all is the axis of neutral existential awareness, which rotates the life forms based on their karmas.

Awareness is neutral, just the way the dollar is.

Both have nothing to do with what they are being used for.

May 13,2024

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