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Beauty and Silence.
“Beauty is silent” – an easy statement to understand.
“Silence is beauty” – a profound statement that can be comprehended only in the inner self.
The beauty of silence is the beauty of supreme, over and above, and inclusive of all the beauties of the physical world combined.
A child’s innocence, the first ray of sunlight, a fragrant rose, a blossoming cherry tree, majestic snow-covered mountains, vibrant foliage colors, the first raindrops on parched land, first snowflakes of winter, all are the harbingers of the asim ( limitless ) beauty of the supreme.
He is all that, and more, a lot more, so much more that while enjoying it, you will disappear, but His beauty will prevail forever.
Fatigue from a strenuous day makes you eligible for an enjoyable, deep night’s sleep.
Fatigue of dualistic Sansar makes you eligible to enter the profound beauty of serene, supreme silence.
When you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, realize that your fatigue from Sansar hasn’t reached its peak yet; you are still vested in it.
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