Climbing Mt Everest, spiritually.

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Climbing Mt Everest, spiritually.

Climbing Mt Everest, spiritually.


Someone asked if we should climb Mt Everest. What could be its spiritual benefit?

My answer –

There can be many reasons to climb Mt Everest.

Spiritually speaking, we need to step out of our comfort zones, whatever it takes, to rise higher spiritually.

Coming out of our comfort zone requires a total transformation of our internal gestalt ( inner makeup ).

Life is boring and monotonous as is, for the most.

We live a very mechanical life.

We have become a machine, a robot, and have stopped LIVING life.

If it takes mountain climbing to live life, so be it.

It does not have to be Mt. Everest. any mountain.

Mountains are spectacular, larger than life, and able to humble you.

In the process, if and when you succeed, your mind will drops, and your true self will  surface.

But it doesn’t have to be mountain climbing; anything that your mind is stuck on can become a mountain to climb.

My anger is my mountain, my desires are my mountains.

Life brings challenges and situations all the time for us, bringing fresh opportunities.

So, when a situation arises in your life, any situation, where your mind is saying no, you say yes, and continue to march on with full preparations, being fully aware of the risks, and make a wise decision to move on.

If and when success happens, you have defeated the mind.

It takes only few incidences like that in life, to put you at a higher level on spiritual life.

But, if you think that mountain climbing ( Everest in particular ), will become an automatic ticket to samadhi state, think again.

It all depends upon the state of your mind.

Such challenges are open tickets, with no guarantees at the other end.

( Then only they become  real challenges and real mind breakers ).

If your eye is on the goal itself, then you will get depressed if you fail, or it will become an inflated Ego if you succeed.

In that case, you might have climbed the highest peak in the world, but you haven’t left the Sansar yet. You are back to where you left from.

You will still not be eligible for a peak which is much higher than all the peaks of the universe combined – the Samadhi state, which is the most difficult peak to climb to and even more difficult to stay on.

But that’s where the Swarg is – the kewal shanti ( absolute peace ).

I had always decided to never say no to anything positive that comes along my life.

I would accept it first and deal with it later.

I never had regrets and this alone has drastically changed my life.

Jul 13,2024

Jul 13,2024

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