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Consciousness and the World.
If consciousness is infinite, nothing is apart from it; if there is, it is infinite no more.
That’s why consciousness is consciousness, but unconsciousness is also consciousness; ONLY CONSCIOUS CAN BECOME UN-CONSCIOUS.
So, there are only two ways you can exist: conscious or unconscious, both being two sides of the same coin.
There is nothing else.
One is a state of ignorance, and the other is the state of knowing.
So, even in our ignorant state ( Maad—egoism, moh—desire, krodh—anger, Maya—illusory state ), ( Ego ), we all are still the same consciousness, without knowing it.
( He never leaves us, even in such states ).
So, fighting your negativities is a wrong approach.
You are only fighting with yourself; it’s like loving one hand and hating the other.
Accept your negativities and understand their true nature—the nature of unconsciousness, which has the potential to change into consciousness.
Realize the energy hidden in them, and transcend.
Your anger is also an energy, and so is love; sublimation ( knowing ) is needed.
Hating is draining (negativity ), and unconditional love is fulfilling (positivity ); both are consciousness: one is unconscious consciousness ( Ego ), and the other is conscious consciousness.
Punching or caressing someone, despite appearing to be separate actions, uses the same energy.
Chaotic vs. peaceful life is the same scenario.
All the cards are on the table; an unconscious life, or the conscious one; the choice is ours.
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