Dharmakshetra Vs. Kurukshetra.

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Dharmakshetra Vs. Kurukshetra.


Dharmakshetra Vs. Kurukshetra.

To me, the real battle is not in the physical world outside.

A real battle is in our minds.

Our worldly life only reflects what’s going on in our minds.

I call the battle at the mind level – Dharmakshetra – where the battle of Dharma ( righteousness ) takes place.

Life is lived in the physical world, which is Kurukshetra.

If Dharmakshetra is not in harmony, Kurukshetra also will be in disarray.

Arjun had no knowledge of Dharmakshetra, so he was baffled and in Vishaad ( suffering ).

Only after being exposed to Dharmakshetra with Krishna’s help ( Pragnyachakshu ) could he properly conduct his actions and win.

We don’t have Krishna with us, but we do have Krishna, the consciousness within us.

We need to dig within and find it.

We all have been digging the wells, waiting for the stream of consciousness to flow.

Some walk away with half-dug wells, calling the path impossible.

They didn’t realize that the stream was just a few inches below.

All of us have our own Dharmakshetra within us.

I can’t fix yours, and you can’t fix mine.

Everyone has their journey to take.

No matter how much you wait, no outside help is coming.

The sooner we realize this, the better.

But inside help is always available from consciousness, the best help.

Pragnyachakshu is nothing but the third eye—the eye of wisdom and equanimity. Once it opens, it throws light on the otherwise dark path of Kurukshetra, revolutionizing our lives.

When Dharmakshetra is imbalanced, and suffering results, instead of seeking help from the consciousnesses, we blame the world for our suffering.

Mar 18,2025

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