Every thought is a gateway to hell.

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  • Jan-01-1970

Every thought is a hell.

Every thought is a gateway to hell.


Every thought is a gateway to hell, the world of materialism, the world of the forms, illusions, deceptions, confusion, Maya, and friction.

Not thinking is heaven, the formless world, the world of spirit, the world of clarity, the world of peace and tranquility.

Some may argue that not all thoughts are bad.


But who is deciding, good or bad?

You, what you are right now.

You already have become confused, biased, and corrupted from what you were, as a child.

Every thought makes you, defines you, and creates a NEW YOU.

And every NEW YOU keeps burying your TRUE YOU, and before you know it, you have walked away, far from your true self.

So, stay away from thoughts and spend time in your true self, a thoughtless state.

Think only when you have to.

Eventually, the thoughts WILL come out, but they will be all good thoughts, because they will be from your true self ( the consciousness itself ), not from the mind.

Don’t fight with the mind; don’t try to suppress it either; just disregard it.

So, create a Bhav of dispassion ( remember the indifference of the Sun ) towards the mind.

Every time you notice that it is drifting away, tell it that you will not cooperate.

You are happy where you are.

This will happen only after you have found your true self.

So, meditate deeply.

Take hours if you have to.

But go all the way down to the bottom, and stay there.

Little by little, you can start living your life in that state.

Every thought that you have rejected, one more hell you have avoided.

Jul 22,2024

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