How to be free from Sansar?

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How to be free from Sansar?

How to be free from Sansar?


Wherever you are, in any situation, close your eyes and contemplate the scene around you, just as a witness.

Notice and feel every sound, conversation, fragrance, aroma, and movement around you.

And you will realize that each one is a proclamation of desire.

Fragrance from a food item is a food’s desire to attract the hungry, and the hungry are attracted to the food to satisfy their own desire for food.

Conversations among various people are being conducted to maintain the desired relationships with each other.

( Family members, business associates, whatever ).

Languages, fragrances, aromas, words, etc., are the result of an innate desire of some kind. This week, it brings involved parties together.

The body, with its five senses, is a walking entity that proclaims its innate desires through its actions.

Desires bind the whole Sansar, driven by desires of the senses or other desires like fame, recognition, etc.

After reviewing and contemplating the whole scene, go deeper and realize that something within is watching all this and being aware of it all.

There is something within that is noticing all these desire-driven activities that are making the Sansar.

You will gradually realize that the witnessing entity is free from desires, only witnessing.

Experience it and palpate this desire-free state, and you will find the innocence of a child, and it is steady, not moving around like the rest of the Sansar.

And when you experience that innocence, you have reached the eternal soul.

You are free from the brawl when you watch a street brawl from your balcony.

When watching a wild stormy river from the river bank, you are free from the river.

You are free from the crowd when you watch a crowd from the roadside.

When you watch the whole Sansar glued together by the desires, you are free from the desires.

When you are desire-free, you are in samadhi.

May 13,2024

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