Life of pebbles

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Life of pebbles

Life of a pebble



What is the life of pebbles?

They comfort, look at, compare, and copy each other.

They are bounced around by the river’s whims and forces, but they never think of rising higher than the river itself.

They never get the real taste of freedom and the joy of sailing the river.

Sansar is exactly that river and pebbles are us – Sansaris.

Only spirituality can lift you up and help you sail over the river of Sansar.

Meditation is all about “palpating” your interior.

A deep, prolonged meditation can take you there; 20 minutes is not enough.

When awareness becomes more subtle and finer, it can start palpating the textures of one’s inner structure.

If you equate consciousness with shunya, it would have the highest softness.

On a comparative basis, a thought is like a grain of sand, a belief is like a pebble, convictions are like rocks, and desires are like boulders.

These sand grains, pebbles, rocks, and boulders give us gravity in various proportions and the totality of all that is the mind, which binds us to the Sansar.

We are so used to living with such weight that it never occurs to us what a life can be without such load; what can be a free life?

Only after realizing this can one start making choices in their lives and start rising higher.




Aug 15,2024

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