Our biggest Ignorance.

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Our biggest Ignorance.

Our biggest Ignorance.



The sun is rising.

The sun is not rising; the earth is rotating.

Our day starts with an illusion and ends with one also.

Our appearance ( birth ) is a mystery, and so will be our disappearance ( death ).

And yet, in between, we walk around with firm conviction –
“I know.”

Time to rethink – what to do with this ignorance?

The sun shines all the time.

By rotating, the earth is exposed to it in a small window, and we call it a day.

Consciousness, which is the life force itself, has always been around.

Our life is a small window through which we are exposed to this life force, which is within us.

This is our chance to be in it.

When you empty your mind, you are in its lap.

You cannot un-know, what you already know, but you can connect with the highest knowledge of all, and then “the sansaric knowledge “ becomes un-knowledge.

The strange thing is that, under the illusion of our “days” and “nights,” we have created the whole science of time, which is nothing but a concept, not a reality.

And as we have been engrossed with this self-created and self-perpetuated imagination that we call time, the Sun has been perpetually shining all along.

The Sun doesn’t even know or even care that we have created a concept called time, based on our ( earth’s ) experience with the Sun.

For Sun, there is no time; it doesn’t even know what time is.

It never stops shining, ever; it doesn’t know days or nights.

But staying on earth, we cannot know all that – until we become the Sun.

In the same way, consciousness has always been there, but staying where we are ( humans ), we cannot know what it would be like to be the consciousness until we drop our illusory mind filled with concepts of time, birth, death, afterlife, etc.

Only by doing that can we BECOME conscious, and that’s when we discover what it is like to be the consciousness – freedom from time, birth, or death.



Jul 18,2024

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