Our true Nature.

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Our true Nature.

Our true Nature.


The only possession that is genuinely yours, ever was, and ever will, is consciousness, and it is something that you cannot even renounce, even if you want to.

Not knowing this fact has cost us a lot – multiple lives, forms, conflicts, and sufferings.

But consciousness has always stayed with us because it is our true nature.

Water can become steam, cloud, icicle, iceberg or a glacier, but never can be not-H2O.

Over many lives, we have tried and have become what not, but all those were temporary and have come and gone, swept away into oblivion, where they came from.

Even today, we keep trying to become many things, but they will prove futile sooner or later.


Practice NON-DOING, and you will merge back into your true nature of consciousness, which is not just conscious but also a storehouse of perpetual peace, unconditional love, joy and a state of ultimate freedom.

Jun 11,2024

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