Reaching the Absolute.

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Reaching the Absolute.

Reaching the Absolute.

Whether you are on Gyan Marg (the path of knowledge ) or Bhakti Marg (the path of devotion ), you are trapped in some image, some form.

In Gyan Marg, it is your own image ( Ego ), and in Bhakti Marg, it is the image of God ( whoever you chose).

Both are obstructions to realizing the Shunyata, which is the formless state.

Both faiths, Ego or God, are ultimately nothing but our deepest beliefs.

Beliefs are also forms because both hover around one object—YOU or your chosen God’s statue; both have forms.

If one understands this well, then sadhaks from both margs ( paths )  merge on one common path, a path of rising from the form to the formless.

How do we do that?

Since we all are stuck in forms ( whether it is our Ego or statue of God), it becomes difficult for us to transcend into the formlessness, which is Godliness.

For most of us, forms exist because we can see them, and formlessness doesn’t, as we cannot see it.

But that’s the limitation of our mind, so we see them as separate, it cannot see them as ONE.

So, the inner journey becomes inevitable to supersede the illusioned mind, where the connection with formlessness can happen.

But rising from the forms to the formlessness makes every sadhak uncomfortable.

At that stage, they think they are “losing” the forms ( Ego – Me + Mine ).

However, one trick that can help them at that point is to realize that being formless is also a FORM of consciousness; nothingness is one of the states in which it can exist.

One has to realize this within.

We are always the same us, whether we are awake or asleep; we exist in both states.

In the same way, existence exists as forms as well as formlessness.

You can also call forms as  “manifest” and formlessness as “unmanifest”, but both are different states of existence, just the way H2O can exist both as water vapor and ice.

This connecting bridge between forms and formlessness leads to God’s realization, the ONE.

Everything is Him, the forms and the formlessness, visible or invisible, manifest or unmanifest.

The totality, the absolute needs sacrifice, YOU ( Ego ), nothing else, not money, flowers, rituals, building temples, or even helping others ( if done with Ego ).

So, you have to be ready for that.Realizing the absolute and if the Ego is still standing, you are not there yet.



Mar 01,2025

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