Strength of Love

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Strength of Love

Strength of Love 



Many years back, when my son was young ( 6-7 ? ), we visited St. Martin, a beautiful Caribbean island.

From there, we made a day trip to another island called Seba.

Inter-island flights were being done by small 12-seater planes.

We took the flight.

At that time, my son was heavily into action figure He-man.

He always carried a He-man plastic sword with him.

So, we landed in Seba, got off the plane, and started walking towards the airport.

Suddenly, my son said,” Mom, my sword, my sword!!”.

He had forgotten his sword in the top bin of the plane.

So, right away, we turned around and came near the airstrip.

But the return flight had already started.

So, I said,” The plane has already started. Let’s wait. We will pick it up on the returning flight.”

My wife said, “ No, No. What if they lose it?”

Before I could fathom the situation, my wife dashed onto the runway, waving her arms in the air, signaling the plane to stop.

I had never imagined, anyone would have the strength or wisdom ( lack of ) to run on a runway to stop a running plane; at least, I didn’t.

The flight was stopped, the sword was recovered.

My son was happy, my wife was very happy, 😊, and I was dumbfounded.

Whether this action was rational or not that’s the job of the mind.

The mind works by logic, thinking of thousands of possibilities and taking a lot of time.

With all our impressions of the mind being very swift, the truth is that the mind IS SLOW.

Love is beyond the mind, beyond the logic.

And in that realm is your true nature.

And nature works like a knee-jerk reflex – instantaneously.

It doesn’t need a mind, IT DOES NOT NEED TIME; it is beyond time.

Maternal instinct, motherly love, is the very nature of consciousness, and consciousness has been there even before the universe was created, even before the time and space were created.

BEING IN LOVE is done by the mind.
BEING LOVE is a manifestation of the soul.

We have created a world of logic; we have yet to develop a world of soul where love is a given thing.

Aug 31,2024

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