Sukh and Dukh

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Sukh and Dukh

Sukh and Dukh


Sukh ( happiness ) and dukh ( unhappiness ) are not real ( or absolute ).

They are only your interpretations based on your likes and dislikes.

Sukh is not a sukh; it is only the absence of the dukh that you always disliked and feared.

And dukh is not a dukh; it is the absence of the sukh you always wanted.

This shows a variable, unstable nature of sukh and dukh.

That’s why everyone’s definitions of sukh and dukh change according to their own likes and dislikes.

Sukh, for one, can be a dukh for the other and vice versa.

We have been playing this cat and mouse game for multiple lives.

Practicing awareness ( meditation ) lifts you and gives you a birds-eye view of this complex game called Sansar.

Once you rise higher, sukh and dukh BOTH become dukh because they become part of the perpetual cat and mouse game with no end game in sight – the Sansar

Then Sansar becomes the dukh, and renunciation becomes the biggest sukh of all, arising from within.

This sukh ( bliss ) is different.

It is eternal because it is a gift from eternity Vs. the sukhs of transient Sansar.

Oct 01,2024

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