The Source of Wisdom.

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The Source of Wisdom.


The Source of Wisdom.

The inner journey is where a treasure of precious wisdom is hiding.

What does wisdom do?

It reassesses you, makes you realize your shortcomings and positive attributes, and gives you the courage to choose the right path.

Each person has a different inner makeup.

You cannot buy or borrow wisdom from outside.

Other people’s advice will not necessarily apply to your life.

On the contrary, Sansar is where ignorance prevails.

There is a race in Sansar to blend, follow each other mindlessly, and even take pride.

And if one can achieve that, one walks around with a high head, as if they have achieved something meaningful.

( An actress feeling high by seeing a large crowd following her has already placed her happiness with the crowd, which the crowd can take away any day. )

And such are the people you seek wisdom from to achieve what they have achieved.

So, re-evaluate your life’s direction.

An inner journey with contemplative meditation gives rise to your true self, generates spontaneous answers from within, and advises on your burning issues, guiding you wisely.

Only when inner wisdom rises do you realize the futility of Sansaric advice.

The true path of life is the inner journey.


Sansar is gross and material and makes us only material.

In Sansar, our so-called good deeds are also material.

The inner world is soft, delicate, and filled with subtle nuances, which need to be fathomed by the sadhak, requiring full awareness. This makes us more sensitive, more caring, and more connected with the world in the true sense.

Who knows you? Who cares about you better than anyone else?

Consciousness knows you better than anyone else.

Why? Because you are the consciousness.

Mother and child may be together for nine months, but eventually, they have to separate and live independently.

But with consciousness, we have no choice since consciousness is infinite; there is no way to escape it.

We are always gonna be in the womb of the consciousness.

Whether we know or not, we are the consciousness, as is everything and everyone in the world.

So, consciousness knows us best and will never steer us in the wrong direction.

Even though your mother may love you to death, there is still no guarantee that you will always get the right advice from her; after all, she is also a human, with the complexity and karmic load of her own mind.

But consciousness is our ultimate mother, who has no mind.

Having no misleading mind, consciousness will always give you the right advice.

You just have to approach it sincerely.

Mar 01,2025

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