Thought of the Day

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day


Love, compassion, philanthropy, kindness, etc., are only dualistic words requiring Sansar for their manifestations, and they do nothing but fill your Ego.

There is no room for them in the higher states of Samadhi because Samadhi is the sole domain of divine Advait—pure existence, pure life, and pure, profound silence, where Sansar does not exist.

Until one takes a dip in a divine bath, all the talk of such magnanimous words is meaningless and hypocritical and, worse, self-destructive for a spiritual sadhak.

So, keep only one focus on the spiritual path, merging and becoming one with the divinity by losing oneself 100%.

Once merging happens, the consciousness decides the path to express itself.

Consciousness is free and spontaneous.

If you cannot respect this, you are not there yet.

Sep 12,2024

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