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Thoughts Vs. Consciousness
Every thought in your psyche defines you ( Ego ) because every thought is about the objects, people, and situations you already know.
But –
Thoughts are multiple.
Thoughts can be counted.
Thoughts are fragmented.
Thoughts come one after the other, just like a movie is created out of thousands of individual pictures.
We get fooled watching movies, and same way, we get fooled by watching the film of our Ego, and we become that.
Only via meditation can one experience the separation of a thoughtless state from these fragmented thoughts.
Thoughts are where YOU are.
Thoughts are where your fragmented Ego is.
Then, who is watching the fragmented Ego? – one continuous, nonfragmented existence ( Advait ), the consciousness.
If you are ready to drop your identification with the fragmented, illusory Ego, you will be welcomed in an ever present, unbroken existence – the consciousness ( Advait ).
The thoughts rise and fall in it, but the existence never disappears, like waves in the ocean.
The ocean of existence cannot be defined in words, thoughts, or logic.
Trying to do that is ignorance, just the way clouds trying to define the sky, or a river trying to define the ocean.
It can only be defined by experiencing it.
So, drop the movie of your ego that has been fooling you all this time. Stop identifying yourself with it.
And start identifying yourself with the perpetual consciousness.
By identifying with its attributes that cannot be defined – like love, compassion, joy, etc.- and can only be experienced.
I am the joy.
I am the love.
I am the compassion.
I am the consciousness.
The borrowed house called Ego has to be vacated every time you die.
The abode of consciousness is where you can stay perpetually.
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