Understanding the nature.

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Understanding the nature.

Understanding the nature.

Understanding nature of things was a significant hallmark of Buddha’s teachings.

Everyone has their nature built into them.

Being hot is sun’s basic nature, and being cool is water’s.

Moving is the nature of the wind.

These cannot be changed.

Understanding this leads to acceptance, and acceptance leads to peace.

Similarly, Sansar’s nature is to be impermanent.

It is here now and will not be here tomorrow.

Changing its nature is also not possible.

And since the Sansar is impermanent, all its components ( objects, people, situations. ) are also impermanent, and so are its products ( money, fame, recognition ).

When we expect permanence from the Sansar or its components, we end up in frustration and suffering, and it’s our fault.

At an individual level, every person also has their built in nature.

Trying to change someone’s nature, meets resistance, frustration, and conflicts in our life and theirs.

If someone drinks, it is in their nature to drink.

Trying to change them will lead to suffering for both of us.

Only individuals themselves can work on their nature from within.

Understanding and acceptance of this fact brings tremendous peace in our life.

Acceptance leads to peace and peace to love for all, regardless of their nature.



Jun 11,2024

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