Where is the Sthitpragnya state located?

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Where is the Sthitpragnya state located?

Where is the Sthitpragnya state located?


You are the “seer” and you are seeing the objects, people, situations , and they are “Seen”.

When you can witness both, the seer and the seen equallly, and you being just a witness, you are in Sthitpragnya ( Steady Pragnya = Buddhi ( Intellect )  )state.


The initial step in meditation is to focus on observing your thoughts. This is the foundation of your practice.

As you progress, the observing needs to shift to the thinker ( you ) who is, in fact, holding on to the whole Sansar – the seer ( you ) and the seen ( objects, people, situations ).

Sthitpragnya state is the ultimate freedom, freedom from YOU.

And, even after being free from YOU, you will still exist – as consciousness.


Jun 11,2024

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