Who are you?

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Who are you?

Who are you?


The KNOWING is also the KNOWER, and when it becomes the KNOWN, the cycle of life reaches its completion because there is nothing else left to know.

The KNOWN cannot exist without the KNOWER, and the KNOWER cannot exist without the KNOWING, and YOU ARE THAT (tatvamasi).

Explanation –

The world comes within us via our five senses and stays as a memory in our minds.

So, in this case, the world is KNOWN, and we are the KNOWERS.

But in meditation, the scenario changes.

In meditation, we observe the thoughts.

So, thoughts become the KNOWN, but who is the KNOWER? Who knows what thoughts are there and moving?

Your soul.

But the soul is not a “Thing” but an energy field that can know. It is the KNOWING itself.

At the center of the whole universe ( or universes ? ) is KNOWING ( awareness, consciousness ).

And that KNOWING is YOU.

Imagine, if you were unaware (unconscious), would you be able to see the world? No.

Would you be able to think? No,

That means the KNOWN ( the world and the thoughts of the world) will disappear if you have no consciousness.

So far, they existed only because of you ( the KNOWER ).


And that’s why – the KNOWN cannot exist without the KNOWER (  us ).

But going deeper, we realize that the KNOWER of thoughts is the soul, which is the KNOWING itself ( the awareness ), without which we cannot exist because that KNOWING is the LIFE FORCE that keeps us alive. In deep meditation, once you learn how to withdraw your awareness into itself, the thoughts ( the KNOWN ) also disappear.

Our body can disappear, our mind can become silent ( no thoughts ), but the soul ( the KNOWING, THE KNOWER ) will always remain, and that is who you are.

But don’t take my word for it. Meditate and try to KNOW the KNOWER ( KNOWING ) ( soul ), and it will become the KNOWN, which will always survive because it is eternal, and the world, thoughts, and everything will disappear.

Sep 23,2024

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