Your true Nature.

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Your true Nature.

Your true Nature.


Why do I love nature so much?

In nature, everything just, IS.

Everything follows nature, which is hidden within them.

There are no scriptures.

There are no religions.

Nobody is advising each other.

Nobody has to be told to go and look for food.

They follow their natural instincts.

They eat only till their hunger is satisfied.

Nobody has to be trained in mating.

They just do.

Nature works just fine, even without any teachings and without knowledge of things.

In subtle and mysterious ways, everything just comes into existence effortlessly , follows the natural laws, and merges back into nature ( as per the law ).

Instead of just being in ISness, we have distorted our society beyond belief with insatiable desires, maybe beyond repair now?

Our resistance of these laws of the nature is what makes our lives ugly.

Meditate, explore your true nature, find peace by realizing and rescinding from your desires and then and stay there forever.

There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose in this world.

Stop running.

Nature has given you everything you need, including a path to return to it.

Understanding this simple thing, and by giving up all the efforts ( including one to find God ), you will find that He had never left you.



Jul 22,2024

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